Water activity influences the physical, mechanical, chemical and microbiological properties
of many substances. These include flow characteristics, agglomeration, cohesion and static
Typical applications:
- Food industry
- Pharmaceutical industry
- Public health laboratories
- Research laboratories
The shelf life of foods, their color, stability, taste, vitamin content, aroma, mold formation and
microbiological growth properties are influenced directly by the aw value. Temperature, pH
value and other factors influence the growth rate of organisms in foodstuffs, but the water
activity (0¡¦1 aw) is often the most influential factor.
ROTRONIC products for the measurement of water activity feature precise and stable
sensors which measure over the full water activity range 0¡¦1 aw (0¡¦100%ERH). Digital
display units feature user programmable units of measurement and serial output of data,
which, when used in conjunction with our special analysis software produces final results
in only 4¡¦6 minutes.